Irish poet-musician, whose indolence and mode of life interfered with his making the most of a rich endowment. He was born at Dublin; date of birth unknown. He married a lady of fortune, Miss Kelly of Garnavilla. He wrote both words and music of the song, Lovely Kate of Garnavilla. But domestic life presently palled, and leaving his wife he returned to Dublin. His ballad, I Have Culled Every Flowret That Blows, was published at Dublin during this period. He went to London, where he made an unsuccessful attempt to conduct the Opera; also entered the employ of the musical firm of Chappell, but gave more time to carousing than to work. He made one more visit to his home in 1840 with a concert party that included Liszt and that gave at its concerts several of Wade's own concerted pieces. Wade died at London in 1845. He left an operetta; an oratorio; the polacca, A Woodland Life, interpolated in Der Freischütz; the popular song, Meet Me by Moonlight Alone; the equally popular duet, I've Wandered in Dreams.