Amateur composer, who was born in Cheshire, of Irish descent. His father, Adam Lodge, came from Liverpool, and John assumed the name of Ellerton in middle life. He learned by his own efforts to play the piano, when a boy, his father being opposed to Ellerton acquiring a musical education, for which he early showed a strong desire. He was sent to school at Rugby, and later to Oxford, where he graduated with the degree of M. A. in 1828. While in the latter place he studied composition, and even wrote an opera, and a song which was favorably reviewed. After leaving Oxford he studied under Pietro Ternani at Rome, and while there he is said to have composed seven Italian operas. For some time he lived in Germany, where his symphonies were composed, and in London, where he held quartet meetings with the best artists of his time. His works comprise an oratorio, Paradise Lost; the English opera, Domenica, produced at Drury Lane Theatre in 1838; six anthems; six masses; seventeen motets; six symphonies; seven Italian operas; two German operas; a number of glees, solos, and duets; quintets, quartets and trios for strings; eight trios and thirteen sonatas for concerted instruments.