Also spelled Pucita. He composed about thirty operas; also songs, ten volumes of which, Mille Melodic, were published by Ricordi. He was born in Civitavecchia and studied at Naples in the Conservatorio della Pieta under Fenaroli and Sala. The operas, L'amor platonico and Le nozze senza spoza, were given at Lucca and Parma in 1800, and II furoruscito at Milan in 1801, but his first great success was I due prigionieri, at Rome in 1801. In 1809 he was in London directing the music of the Opera, where he produced I Villeggiatori bizarri; La Vestale, his best opera; Le tre sultane, and others. Then, after traveling with Catalani as accompanist, he was with her at the Italian Opera in Paris from 1815 to 1817; returned hence to Italy, and remained there until his death at Milan. Among his best operas are I prigionieri, and Adolfo e Chiara. He had considerable ability, but lacked originality.