Nicodé Jean Louis



Well-known German pianist, teacher and composer. He was born at Jerczeg, near Posen, in 1853. His father who had been a skilful amateur violinist went to Berlin after losing his small estate at Jerczeg. Here he gave his son his first lessons in violin-playing. The organist Hartkass was also his instructor and then at the New Academy he studied under Kullak, Kiel and Wüerst. After graduating from the Academy he became a most successful teacher and established the Nicode concerts in Berlin. With Madame Artot he went on a concert tour through Galicia and Roumania. In  1878 he was made professor of piano at the Dresden Royal Conservatory and remained until 1885, when he left in order to conduct the Philharmonic concerts. For three years he held this position, winning recognition as a conductor, and then gave his time and attention entirely to composition until 1893, when he again resumed the duties of conductor and later became the first director of the Dresden Neustadt Chorgesangverein. His two most important compositions and the two which have made for him a name outside as well as in his own country are the symphonic variations, and a work for male chorus, soloists, orchestra and organ called Das Meer. Others are his Carnival Pictures and Maria Stuart, symphonic poems; Die Jagd nach dem Gluck, a scherzo; a Jubilee March for orchestra; a choral symphony, Gloria; a violin romanza; two cello sonatas; piano solos and duets; numerous songs and Italian dances. All his work reaches a high standard of excellence and shows him to be an intelligent, clever and imaginative artist, able to appeal favorably to the sound judgment of the trained musician and at the same time he speaks through his  art to humanity at large. His influence upon music in Germany is felt not only through his compositions but through his teaching and his brilliant piano performances.