French critic and writer on musical subjects. Born at Moulins-Engilbert. His early musical education was given him by his father, but later he went to the College of St. Barbara, where Faucheux and Hammer instructed him in violin. Although his career was official, he was intimate with the musical life of the day, and has left many critical essays. His first book, published in 1888, Profils de Musiciens, is a collection of articles written for a musical periodical. This was followed by Symphonic, critical essays principally on music; Portraits and fitudes, containing an excellent article on Brahms' Requiem; fitude on Brahms, the same year; Profils de' Artistes contemporains, on the younger French musicians; and a work of considerable value, Rembrandt et Wagner, le Clair-Obscur dans 1'art. He contributed to many of the musical periodicals, notably the Guide Musical, of which he was a director, and did much to interest the French public in master musicians.