Deppe, Ludwig


A distinguished pianoforte teacher, who did much to restore a pure style of playing on that instrument. He was born at Alverdissen, Lippe, Germany, and was a pupil of Marxsen's at Hamburg in 1849, and afterward studied at Leipsic under Lobe. In 1857 he settled in Hamburg and there founded a musical society and conducted its concerts until 1868. While acting in that capacity he produced many compositions. From 1874 until 1886 he lived in Berlin as court chapelmaster, but soon resigned this post to devote himself to conducting the concerts of the Court Orchestra. He also conducted the Silesian Musical Festivals established by Count Hochberg in 1876. A description of Deppe's technique is given by his pupil, Amy Fay, in her book, Music Study In Germany. She designates him as a profound musical savant and describes his method, which was so widely different from that of the followers of Liszt. Another pupil of his, Elisabeth Caland, in a book published in 1897, also explained his method of playing. Emil Sauer and Donald F. Tovey were the best known among the advocates of Deppe and his method. He died at Pyrmont, a German watering place.