Chrysander, Friedrich


Eminent German writer on music, who devoted his life to the study of Handel, edited the complete works of that master and wrote a memorable biography of the great composer. He was born at Lubthee, Mecklemburg, Germany, studied philosophy at the University of Rostock and after a long period spent in England settled at Bergedorf, near Hamburg. His zealous study of the life and works of Handel was carried on at the cost of infinite labor. The biography is a monument to the author's exhaustive research and exactitude. On the critical side the work is not so highly valued, the biographer carried away by enthusiasm for his subject, showing prejudice for masters of the modern school and underrating those preceding Handel. From 1865 to 1871, and from 1875 to 1882, Dr. Chrysander was editor of the Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung of Leipsic. Of his other work mention should be made of the two treatises, t)ber die Molltonart in Volksgesangen and Uber das Oratorium; and excellent editions of Bach's Klavierwerke. He also published a collection called Denkmaler der Tonkunst. Of Dr. Chrysander's service as editor of the complete works of Bach, Grove says: "His laborious collations of the original manuscripts and editions, his astonishing familiarity with the most minute details, and his indefatigable industry, combine to make this edition of the highest importance, at once worthy of the genius of Handel and honorable to the author."