Bussler, Ludwig
Noted musical writer and critic. Born in Berlin, where his father was a diplomat, painter and author. Bussler received his first musical training as a choir boy from Von Hertzberg, and later studied theory and instrumentation with Wieprecht, Dehn and Grell. In 1865 he was appointed teacher of theory in the Ganz School of Music, at Berlin, and in 1879 he took the same position at the Stern Conservatory. He also acted for a time as conductor at the Memel Theatre. In 1883, Bussler became musical critic of the National Zeitung. His writings are very practical and very popular, and he was most independent in work, studying all authorities and methods and taking the best from all, but following none. He published in all about twelve works, among them Musikalische Elementarlehre; Praktische Harmonielehre; Harmonische Ubungenam Klavier; Praktische Musikalische Kompositionslehre; Instrumentation und Orchestersatz and Lexikon der Harmonic.