Born in Breslau; the son of Christian Benjamin Uber. He studied law at Halle, also music under Turk, conducting the winter concerts in 1801. Having composed a violin concerto, and a cantata, Die Feier der Liebe, which had been very successful, he decided to devote himself to music. In 1804 he became chamber musician to Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia. In 1808 he entered the service of King Jerome at Cassel as violinist and director of the German Opera. He composed several concertos, an intermezzo, music to the dramas Moses, and others, and several French comic operas. He became theatre chapelmaster at Mayence in 1814, and two years later went to Dresden as chapelmaster of Seconda's troupe, after which he lived for a while in Leipsic. In 1817 he was appointed music director and cantor at the Church of the Cross in Dresden, where he died. In Dresden he wrote an Easter cantata, and a Passion oratorio, The Last Words of the Savior. He also composed several overtures; a violin concerto; and German and French songs.