This name is the Latin equivalent of Schultz, the name of a number of German musicians. Hieronymus was born and died at Hamburg. He was taught by his father, studied at Cologne, and in 1580 became town cantor at Erfurt. Two years later he succeeded his father as organist of St. James* Church, Hamburg, a position which he held for the rest of his life. With Decker, Scheidemann, and his son Jacob, he brought out the Hamburger Melodeyen - Gesangbuch, in which are some twenty chorale settings, for four voices, by him. His other works are collected as Opus Musicum, in five books, containing cantiones sacra; magnificat; Liber missarum; cantiones variae; and cantiones novae. His son Jacob (1586-1651), a pupil of Sweelinck, was organist of St. Peter's Church at Hamburg, and was also known, as a teacher and composer. His wedding songs were very fashionable.