Court pianist and composer; born in Berlin. He studied piano under the Kullaks, Liszt, and Rubinstein, and composition under H. Urban, H. Dorn, and Tschaikpwsky. He composed when only eight years of age, and at sixteen was appointed a professor at the Kullak Conservatory. From 1883 to 1895 he was touring through Europe, Asia and Africa. He was appointed Court pianist by the Duke of Coburg in 1890. His first appearance in London was in 1897, and the next year he played by command before the late Queen Victoria at Osborne. His compositions include a piano concerto, violin concerto, violin sonata, numerous piano works and songs, symphony for orchestra, overtures and suites for same, a concert mass and operas. His Lieblingswalzer has been sung by Nikita at a great many concerts.