Knecht, Justin Heinrich


Organist and composer for the church and stage, who as a theorist was the rival of Abbe Vogler. He was born at Biberach, Würtemburg, and was professor of literature for a time there. He studied music first with his father, then with Kramer and Boeckh, and finally made it his profession. He became musical director and organist at Biberach, then director of the Court concerts and opera at Stuttgart, but in 1809, he returned to Biberach, where he died. As a composer he is chiefly interesting because his Le Portraite Musicale  de la Nature and Tongemalde der Natur are in arrangement and idea almost identical with Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony. He composed nine operas; several successful symphonies and other instrumental music; and various kinds of church-music. His reputation as a theoretical writer is excellent.