Zachau, Friedrich Wilhelm
Organist and composer, whose chief fame lies in the fact of his being the first instructor of Handel and much beloved by him. Born in Leipsic, where his father was town musician, he obtained there his first instruction in music from his father, becoming a skilled B performer on the organ and other instruments. At an early age he removed with his father to Eilenburg, where he continued his studies. In 1684 he was made organist of the Church of the yirgin Mary at Halle, in Saxony, which position he held until his death. Halle was the birthplace of Handel and it was while Zachau was there that he taught him. Many of Zachau's compositions are in the Berlin Library and consist mostly of church cantatas in manuscript and piano-pieces. His organpieces, figurate chorals and others were published in Breitkopf and Hartal's Sammlung von Praludien, Fugen, etc., and in other collections.