Wynne, Sarah Edith
Famous English soprano singer; won renown by her expressive rendering of songs and ballads.- She wa bprn in Holy well, Flintshire; at the age of twelve won a prize at an Eisteddfod, was pupil of Pinanti at the Royal Academy of Music, where she was a Westmoreland scholar in 1863 and 1864; later studied in Florence under Romani and Vanuccini. She appeared first in the provinces, made her London debut in 1862 at St. James' Hall; later met with great success singing at the Crystal Palace. She sang in English Opera in 1863, taking the part of the heroine in Macfarren's Jessy Lea. In the season of 1869 and 1870 at the Crystal Palace she sang again in opera. She became a great favorite at the Philharmonic, the Sacred Harmonic, and other of the leading London concerts, was in demand at provincial festivals, State concerts, and the Handel Festival She toured the United States in 1871 and 1872, and was very successful in this country. In 1874 returned to sing at the Boston Festival. She married Mr. Aviet Agabeg in 1875, and appeared less frequently in public, but devoted much of her time to teaching.