Ardent admirer of Wagner; born at Potsdam. Going to Berlin he studied comparative philology and mythology from 1868 to 1871. He returned to Potsdam, where he lived until 1877, when he went to Bayreuth at the request of Wagner to edit the Baireuther Blatter. He also took part in the central management of the Allgemeiner Richard-Wagner Verein and others. He has published Der Nibelungenmythus in Sage und Litteratur; Thematischer Leitfaden durch die Musik von Richard Wagner's Festspiel per Ring des Nibelungen; Die Tragodie in Baireuth und ihr Satyrspiel; Die Sprache in Wagner's Dichtungen; Wagneriana; R. Wagner's Lebensbericht, the original of The Work and Mission of My Life, which appeared in the North American Review, 1879, under Wagner's name, and Erinnerungen an R. Wagner and a number of others. His translations are splendid, those of Armer Heinrich, Beowulf, and of the Edda besides his Poetische Lautsymbolik being particularly so.