Well-known German tenor; native of Hollabrunn, Lower Austria, who as a lad possessed a pure, true voice. His schoolmaster, Blacho, prophesied his brilliant future. He began his career in a monastery choir near Vienna, was promoted to the Court chapel, then sang in the choruses of various theatres, and soon was given small solo parts. In 1810 he entered the services of Prince Esterhazy at Eisenstadt under Hummel. In 1811 he broke his engagement with Esterhazy and became soloist in the Theatre an der Wien, Vienna. His success was now assured and he appeared in various German and Austrian cities, in Paris and London. In 1829 he settled in Vienna, and in 1845 made his last appearance on the stage. The remainder of his life was spent in and near Vienna, singing at small gatherings of musicians and in churches. He died in 1860 at Ober Dobling.