Organist and composer of rising importance; born in Lyons, where his father, an Alsatian of Hungarian descent. He studied organ under Lemmens, and composition under Fetis at Brussels, and at fifteen was made organist of St. François, Lyons. He steadily gained fame through his concerts, and in 1869 was appointed organist at St. Sulpice, Paris, which position he still holds. In 1890 he succeeded Cesar Franck as professor of organ-playing at the Paris Conservatory, later also teaching counterpoint, fugue and composition. For many years he was musical critic for the paper 1'Estafelte, using the pen name of Auletes. He was also director of the society La Concordia. He visited England in 1888 to conduct his Walpurgis Night music for chorus and orchestra at a Philharmonic concert. He has also composed a beautiful ballet, La Korrigane; music to Conte d'Avril; also to Les Jacobites; lyric drama, Maitre Ambros; three pantomimes; a mass for two choirs and two organs; 112th Psalm, with orchestra and organ; two symphonies; ten organ symphonies; Gothique, a concerto for violin, cello and piano; and many organ sonatas.