English Earl, noted for the part he played in establishing the London Royal Academy of Music, devoted to music, and author of a number of compositions. He succeeded to the title on the death of his father in 1844, was better known to the musical world under the name of Lord Burghersch. London was his birthplace; he entered the army and saw active service in various campaigns, held the post of envoy at Florence, served as ambassador at Berlin and later at yienna, in 1855 retired from public life. He was always fond of music, attained considerable excellence as a violinist, in Cambridge studied music under Charles Hague, was a pupil of Zeidler in Berlin and Mayseder in Vienna. His compositions include songs, madrigals, hymns, two anthems, a grand mass and other church-music; an English opera, Catherine; six Italian operas, Bajazet, II Torneo, Fedra, L'Eroe di Lancastro; II Ratto di Proserpina, Lo Scompiglio teatrale. He was especially noted for his untiring efforts in behalf of the Academy of Music, and after its establishment was accomplished continued zealously to further its interests while acting in the capacity of president.