Weidig, Adolf



Distinguished contemporary German violinist and composer and a famous teacher, who for several years has resided in America. At present holds the post of associate director of the American Conservatory of Music, Chicago. He is highly esteemed as teacher of the violin, and as teacher of harmony, counterpoint and orchestration has no superior in this country. Many of his students have attained distinction. His influence has been far-reaching, his classes are always full to overflowing. Adolf Weidig was born in Hamburg, Germany, was educated in Germany, in 1888 was awarded the Mozart prize at Frankfort for the best composition for a string quartet; at Munich continued his musical studies, working under Court Chapelmaster Abel and the celebrated composer, Josef Rheinberger. He was also a pupil of Dr. Hugo Riemann. In 1882 he came to America and settled in Chicago, which city he has continued to make his home. For four years he played first violin in the Thomas Orchestra, nine years played viola with the Spiering String Quartet, making extensive tours. As a composer Mr. Weidig holds high rank, his compositions include a symphony, several string quartets, a trio, nine violin solos, miniatures for piano, and numerous songs. As an interpreter of classical chamber-music he stands in the first rank, is also an excellent orchestral conductor, is an artist of broad musicianship and rare culture.