Composer and organist; born at Newark, New Jersey. His musical talent appeared very early, and when little more than a boy he played the organ at the Newark First Presbyterian Church and later was made organist at Grace Episcopal Church. About 1842 he went to New York, and that same year became organist at Epiphany Church. He played later in the church of the Annunciation and in 1847 in St. John's Chapel, Trinity Parish. The following year he became organist of St. Paul's Chapel and remained here until 1856, when he was appointed organist at Trinity Chapel, Twenty-first Street, and remained there until 1869. In 1856 he received the appointment of organist at Columbia College, where eight years later he was granted the honorary degree of Doctor of Music. He has written a mass in C; a mass in F; Manual of Church Music; Hymnal with Tunes Old and New; services and anthems for the Episcopal Church; Chorals and Hymns, Psalms and Chants, and Common Prayer with Ritual Song.