Born in Oppeln, Silesia, where his father was schoolmaster. His parents died when he was twelve years old and he was left very poor, which hampered him seriously in obtaining instruction. He paid his way through the Breslau Gymnasium by singing and organ-playing. In 1846 he went to Berlin, studying in the University, and f through Meyerbeer's influence obtained his final instruction from Dehn in composition. His compositions attracted much attention; he wrote a piano trio, followed by two symphonies. In 1853 his Symphonie Triomphale brought a prize of fifteen hundred francs from the Royal Academy of Brussels In 1855 he went to Italy, where he lived in various cities, but monetary difficulties compelled him to return to Berlin. He was appointed instructor in the Stern Conservatory, but the work was so distasteful that he gave it up. Among his compositions are an unfinished opera, Bertrand de Born; three symphonies; two overtures; quartet; trio for piano and strings; sonata for violoncello; and piano-pieces.