Tarchi, Angelo
Composer of operas; born at Naples. For thirteen years he studied at the Conservatory della Pieta, taking composition of Sala and singing of Tarantini. While still in the Conservatory he wrote his first dramatic piece, the opera bouffe entitled L'Architetto, which was produced so successfully that King Ferdinand IV. commanded a special performance at his private theatre. La Caccia d'Enricp IV. and an interlude were also written while he was a student at the Conservatory. He composed for theatres in Rome and other Italian cities until 1789, when he wrote II Disertore, and Alessandro nell* Indie, for London theatres. The Opera Comique produced a number of his pieces, the best known being d'Auberge en Auberge. He remained in Paris as a composer and teacher of singing until his death in 1812 or 1814. He wrote I due fratelle Pappamosca; Arianna e Bacco; Ariarate; II trionfo di Clelia; Gli due Rivali; La caccia di Enrico IV.; Ademira; Ifgenia in Tauride; Public; II conte di Saldagno; Arminio; Paulo e Virginia; Artaserse; Demofoonte; Mitridate; Ezio; L'apoteosi d* Ercole; Don Chisciotto; Adrasto; Lo stravagante; II Giro riconosciuto; Le cabriolet Jaune, and many other operas, as well as several masses, and the oratorio, Isacco.