Surette, Thomas Whitney
Was born at Concord, Mass. He studied piano with Arthur Foote and with J. K. Paine at Harvard University. He was organist of the First Parish Church, Concord, from 1883 to 1893; musicmaster at Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., 1893 to 1894; organist and choirmaster of Christ Church, Baltimore, from 1895 to 1896, and since then staff lecturer OH music for the American Society for Extension of University Teaching at Philadelphia, Pa., in which field he has done excellent work. He published Priscilla, a two-act operetta, given over five hundred times; Cascabela, romantic opera; The Eve of St. Agnes, a dramatic ballade; Let God Arise, a Thanksgiving hymn at the close of the Spanish-American War; Portraits, five piano-pieces; also What Part Should Music Have in Education; Common Sense Music-Study, or What Constitutes Good Church-Music, and other papers.