Operatic conductor and violinist; brother to Johann Strauss, the elder; was born at Brünn, in Moravia. His father was his first violin teacher, then he took lessons of Schuopanzigh, Urbani and Blumenthal in Vienna, and studied composition with Johann Albrechtsberger and Josef Teyber. In 1813 he became conductor at Temesvar. In 1817 he returned to Brünn as conductor, and in 1822 he went to Strasburg to organize German Opera. From Strasburg he went to Mannheim as concertmaster, but was soon made conductor temporarily. In 1840 he was appointed chapelmaster to the Grand Duke of Baden at Carlsruhe, and held this position for more than forty years. He wrote a symphony; two masses; graduals and offertories; a Te Deum; several operas, cantatas, and the oratorio, Judith, besides other music.