Strauss, Eduard



Orchestral conductor; born in Vienna; a brother of Johann Strauss, jr. He went to school at Akademien and Schotten   Gymnasiums, then studied composition of Preyer and took lessons on the harp. In 1862 he made his debut as an orchestra conductor at Dianasaal, and in 1865 he led concerts at St. Petersburg in Johann's place. In 1870 he became conductor of the Court balls of Vienna, succeeding Jphann. With his own band he has given concerts at Berlin, Breslau, Dresden, Frankfort, Hamburg and Leipsic. He gives concerts in Vienna at the Musikverein and at the Volksgarten. He came to America in 1890 and 1900, but did not bring his band. He has composed over two hundred waltzes, polkas, etc.