Excellent barytone singer and teacher; born at Paris. Brother of the preceding. He was musical by nature and appeared at concerts as singer, violinist, accompanist and sometimes drummer; but it was not till 1848, when he unexpectedly took part in the Elijah at Basel that he gave up his idea of entering the priesthood and devoted himself to music, which he studied under Halle and Stamaty in piano and Emanuel Garcia in voice. He then made extended concert tours, appearing frequently in London until 1862, when he became director of the Philharmonic concerts and the Singakademie at Hamburg. In 1869 he resigned this post to become chamber-singer to the King of Würtemburg at Stuttgart. But he also kept up his tours. From 1874 to 1878 he was director of the Stern Singing Society at Berlin. He then took charge of the vocal department of the Hoch Conservatory at Frankfort, gave up the position in a year, but filled it again for sixteen years, after Raff's death, in 1882. Since then he has confined himself to teaching privately, as he did during the intervening period. His voice was rich and sympathetic and he was especially noted for his singing of ballads, yet he also appeared very successfully in opera and oratorio. He wrote a method of teaching singing.