Sloper, Edward Hugh Lindsay
English pianist and composer; born in London; studied with Moscheles, at Frankfort under Aloys Schmitt, at Heidelberg under Vollweiler, and at Paris under Rousselot from 1841 to 1846. He was one of two English pupils of Chopin, the other being Brinley Richards. Sloper appeared as a pianist in London in 1846 at the Musical Union, and continued to reside in the English capital for many years as pianist, teacher and lecturer on music. He died in London. He composed a suite for orchestra; a scena, Joan of Arc in Prison; mazurkas; waltz; six songs; serenade; canzonette; sonata; and a tarantella. Sloper was the author of Tutor and Technical Guide for Piano, and a Guide to Touch, Execution and Fingering.