Composer, conductor and noted pianist, who won a commanding place among American musicians and who was identified with the musical life of Cincinnati for many years. Singer was born at ora, near Meissen, in Saxony; studied at the Kreuzschule, Dresden, from 1851 to 1855; at the Leipsic Conservatory with Moscheles, Hauptmann and Richter, and later with Liszt. He taught in both Dresden and Leipsic and in the latter city was connected with the WagnerLiszt School. His best work was done in this country. He came to America in 1867, and for more than twenty-five years taught, conducted and composed here. He was first a teacher in New York, but in 1873 was sent by Theodore Thomas to Cincinnati as assistant conductor of the first May Festival in that city. He entered the Cincinnati College of Music as teacher of piano and composition and remained there almost until his death. To Singer's efforts is due the good chorus singing in Cincinnati. For many years he trained the chorus for the May Festivals. For the festival of 1876 he wrote an American cantata, entitled The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, which was most successful. Several of his compositions were given at the Gewandhaus concerts in Leipsic and by various orchestras in other cities. Besides taking an active part in the work of training the singers for the Cincinnati May Festivals he directed several of the Festivals of the North American Sangerbund, and contributed many valuable articles on musical subjects to the magazines and lectured before many societies. He died in New York.