Noted Bohemian violin teacher, well known as the teacher of Kubelik, Arthur Hartman, Marie Hall, Ondricek, Leonore Jackson, Kocian and other noted violinists who have achieved fame in recent years. The attention of the musical world was first directed to Sevcik, now generally ranked among the greatest teachers in Europe, by Kubelik's first appearance, and subsequent success. Kubelik spent seven years with Sevcik, whose system is calculated, it is said, to develop to the limit of virtuosity, the technique of any gifted individual. His work on violin study is the most complete of any belonging to the present day and covers the whole field of technique and bowing. He is said to exact from all his pupils at least seven hours' practise daily. Sevcik was highly regarded by Joachim and Wilhelmj and was the instructor of the latter's son. He is a hard-working man, of quiet tastes, simple and unostentatious. He has resided for years in Prague, with his mother, who is a paralytic. It is said Sevcik has refused flattering offers from many institutions to become an instructor.