Dramatic composer; born at Mayence, where for a time he studied under Ernst Pauer, going to Berlin to study with Dehn in 1855. The following year he taught at the Royal School of Music at Munich, and from 1859 to 1865 he was conductor at the Hanover Theatre. From 1865 to 1866 he conducted for the Cherubini Society in Florence. In 1871 he became concert conductor for the Breslau Orchestral Society, a position which he held till 1883, when he became director of the Hoch Conservatory at Frankfort. The following year he began to conduct the Rühl Gesangverein. He has written the operas Die vornehmen Wirthe; Ziethen* sche Husaren; Carlo Rosa; Der Trompeter von Sakkingen; Golo; Morgiane and Ingo. Also Das Lied von der Glocke and Das Siegesfest, for chorus and orchestra; overtures to Iphigenia and Im Freien; capriccio for piano with orchestra; the symphonic poem, Malinconia; string quartets; waltzes; symphony, etc.