German composer and teacher. Born at Naumburg-on-Queiss, in Silesia. t Died at Breslau. He learned the principles of violin and pianoplaying from his father, a singer in the Naumburg Cathedral, but further study was made temporarily impossible by deafness. On recovering his hearing he continued his studies by himself and obtained a place as teacher at Paritz. In 1797 he removed to Breslau, which was henceforth his home, and there he was successively organist of St. Clara, first violin of St. Vincent's and of the theatre orchestra and chapelmaster of the Cathedral. He became professor of the newly established Catholic Seminary in 1812, and shortly afterwards director of that school and of the Royal Institute for Church-music. His sacred works include numerous masses; graduals; psalms; hymns; cantatas; lamentations and responses for Holy Week; offertories;. Te Deums; and salve reginas. He also wrote male quartets and songs; a quintet for guitar, two violins, viola, and cello; a clarinet concerto; marches, and other compositions for wind-instruments.