Distinguished Bohemian pianoteacher; born at Koben. In 1846 he became a pupil of the Prague Conservatory, making a special study of the oboe, and in 1851 became a member of the orchestra of the Bucharest Opera. In 1855 he removed to Vienna, where he was engaged at the Burgtheatre and in 1867 at the Imperial Opera, but on account of throat trouble he had to give up his instruments. In 1860 he entered Dachs' piano class at the Vienna Conservatory, and on finishing his course in 1862 was awarded the silver medal and given an appointment as teacher. He later became professor and has made a fine reputation. He has written important educational works, notably three hundred and thirty Etuden ohne Oktavenspannung (studies without octave stretches); one hundred and twenty kleine Stuucke zum Vprtrage; Fundament der Klaviertecknik; Zirkelbungen in Skalen und Akkorden; Vade mecum; a school edition of Clementi's Gradus; Repertoirestudien, progressive order of material for teaching; Schule des Geshors (vocal method); a treatise, Das Pedal des Klaviers; also character-pieces for piano; a concert-piece tor violin; songs; and the opera, Bruna, for which he wrote both libretto and music.