Schmitt, Aloys



Pianist and excellent teacher; born at Erlenbach, in Bavaria. His father taught him until he was fourteen years old, when he went to Offenbach to study composition of Andre. Tn 1816 he went to Frankfort and began to teach; then went to Berlin and finally to Hanover, where he was Court organist until 1829, when he returned to Frankfort. He was very fond of traveling and this somewhat interfered with his otherwise prominent success as a teacher. He wrote many compositions in the substantial style of the old school, among them being the operas, Die Tochter der Wuste, Valeria, Der Doppelprozess, and Das Osterfest zu Paderborn; the oratorios, Ruth, and Moses; symphonies, concertos, trios, sonatas, etudes, rondos, quartets, variations, and other pieces for piano; overtures for orchestra; some songs and partsongs.