German dramatic composer, conductor and violinist, who was born at Darmstadt. m Studied first with Rinck and later in Vienna, where he was a pupil of Seyfried, Salieri and Mayseder. He was also a student at the Paris Conservatory, studying violin with Kreutzer and composition with Lesueur. Going to Darmstadt Schlosser became first leader and then conductor of the Court band. He wrote five operas, the best known being Granada, and Das Leben Kapitan Hector; a melodrama, Die Jahreszeiten; an operetta, Benvenuto Cellini; incidental music to Faust; a mass; choruses, and other sacred music; overtures; symphonies; polonaise for violin and orchestra; themes for the same; concertino for horn and orchestra; sonatas for piano; and much other instrumental music.