Schletterer, Hans Michel
German violinist, teacher, composer and writer; born at Ansbach, where he received his early training under Ott, Durrner and Mayer. Later on he continued his studies under Spohr and Kraushaar at Cassel, and finished under David and Richter at Leipsic. He taught at Finstigen Seminary, Lorraine, from 1845 to 1847; was director of music at Zweibrücken for the next eight years, and of Heidelberg University from 1854 to 1858. He then went as chapelmaster of the Protestant Church and teacher of singing in Stetten's Institute to Augsburg, where he remained until his death, and where he founded and became director of the Oratorio Society in 1865 and the Augsburg School of Music. He composed the oratorios, Dornroschen, Pharos Tochter, Der erfüllte Traum, and Vater Beatus; the cantatas, Jephthas Tochter, and Lasset die Kindlein; the choruses, Ostermorgen, and Thürmerlied; seventeen books of choruses; Die kirchlichen Festzeiten; psalms; and songs. He also wrote two Chorgesangschules (Methods for part-singing), one for schools, the other for male choruses; and a violin method; edited many classical works in piano score; and published a catalog of Spohr's works. He is the author of a number of historical and theoretical musical works.