1778-date of death unknown
Italian musician; born in Rome, and educated at the Collegio Salviati, which he entered in 1798. He was ordained a monk in 1801. While a student at the Collegio Salviati he began collecting church-music, and carried on this work throughout his life with such zeal that he brought together one of the most magnificent musical libraries which ever existed. He pursued his musical studies under Jannaconi and in later years was an honorary member of the Singakademie at Berlin. In 1854 it was known that he was living in a Roman monastery but after that date all traces of him were lost and the date of his death is not known. 'Santini did much to make known in Italy the best compositions of the old German and other masters. Having access to many libraries he set out to score all important works then existing only in parts. A manuscript copy of his catalog, which he published in 1820, giving a complete list of his collections, is in the Fetis collection. His library is in the Episcopal Palace at Munster, in Westphalia. A Russian amateur musician published, in 1854, a history of Santini's career and an account of his work.