Rehburg, Willy



Swiss pianist; born at Merges, Switzerland, and received early instruction in music from his father, who was a pupil of Moscheles and a well-known teacher of music in that town. Willy played in public as a small boy of five or six, and later studied under Freund, Weber and Hegar at the School of Music in Zurich, and from 1882 to 1885 under Reinecke and Zwintscher at the Leipsic Conservatory, remaining there afterwards as teacher of piano. In 1888 he began to conduct the subscription concerts of the Court Orchestra and also the singing society at Altenburg. In 1890 he gave up his work in Leipsic to accept the post of head professor of piano in the Conservatory at Geneva, and in 1892 became director of the orchestra of the City Theatre there. He was appointed Court pianist to the Duke of Saxony. He has written for piano a sonata, and other pieces and studies, also a sonata for violin and piano.