A mezzosoprano singer; born at Leipsic. She studied under Garcia at Pans, and sang in opera at Frankfort for a short time, but on marrying Eduard Polko, she retired from the stage. After her husband died she settled at Munich, where she remained until her death. Many of her books are intimately connected with music and have been approved in spite of their sentimentality, Ein Frauenleben and Unsere Pilgerfahrt as examples. Other works are Musikalische marchen; Faustina Hasse; Die Bettelrpper; Alte Herren, dealing with the six predecessors of Bach at St. Thomas' Church; Verklungene Akkorde; Erinnerungen an F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy; Niccolo Paganini und die Geigenbauer; Vom Gesang; and Aus der Künstlerwelt. Many" of these have been translated into English, and nearly all printed twice or more.