Pohl, Richard
German writer of note, and strong advocate of the Wagner cause. He was born at Leipsic, and, after studying philosophy and music at Gottingen and Leipsic, taught for a short time at Gratz University, and in 1852 went to Dresden. Two years later he settled in Weimar, "where his intimacy with Liszt made him a champion of the new school of music. In 1864 he he moved to Baden-Baden and there remained until his death. He was an editor of the Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik and published many pamphlets, and articles in the musical periodicals, at first under the name Hoplit. His works include a German translation of the collected writings of Berlioz; Richard Wagner, in Waldersee's Vortrage; Richard Wagner, Studien und Kritiken; Franz Liszt; Hector Berlioz, Studien und Erinnerungen; and Die Hohenzüge der Musikalischen Entwickelung. He also wrote the connecting text to Schumann's Manfred and to Schumann's Prometheus, besides the comedy Musikalische Leiden, and Gedichte. His songs, ballads and male choruses are pleasing and he has also composed a melodrama, Die Wallfahrt nach Kevelaar; a reverie, Abendlied, for string orchestra; and a nocturne, Wiegenlied, for piano and violin.