Teacher and composer; born of American parents, at Waterbury, Connecticut. He took organ lessons from Eugene Thayer in Boston in 1875 and 1876, and was a pupil of the New England Conservatory of Music. He studied the piano under Hills and Lang, and harmony from Emery. Returning to Waterbury he continued his organ study with Julius Baier, junior, and in 1877 went to Germany to study under Haupt for organ, Ehrlich, Kullak and Raff for piano, and in theory and composition had Kiel, Bargiel and Neumann for teachers, and spent two summers with Liszt at Weimar. Since his return to the United States in 1882 he has been one of the faculty of the Detroit Conservatory and a member of the Music Teachers' National Association. He has written theme and variations in B minor, for piano, violin and cello; variations in D minor for strings; a piano sonata; in four movements; nocturnes; waltzes; and mazurkas.