French violoncellist and composer; born at Versailles. Studied under Duport and Lamare and in 1796 was engaged at the Theatre Feydeau, but the next year he followed a singer to Lyons and did not return to Paris till 1801. For five years he was at the head of the Paris cellists. In 1805 started on a concert-tour which took him through France and in 1813 to Antwerp, where he became cellist at the Opera. In 1824 he went to Brussels and there played at the Opera and taught cello at the Royal School of Music. Batta, Demunck and Servais were among his pupils. His published works include some six concertos; three sonatas; six romances; caprices; and eight variations for the cello; and six duets and three trios for cello and violin. He died at Brussels.