Pierre, Constant Victor Desire



French musical journalist and bassoon player; born at Passy. Going to Paris, he studied music at the Conservatory, of which he became assistant secretary. He has been bassoon player in a number of Paris orchestras, but his work is chiefly literary. He contributes to many periodicals, and is at present editor of Le Monde Musical. His works include Les Noels populaires; La Marseillaise and its variations; History of the orchestra of the Paris Opera; La Facture des Instruments a 1'Exposition de 1889; and Les Facteurs d'Instruments des Musique et les luthiers; Magasin de decors de 1'Opera; L'ficole de Chant de L'Opera; B. Sarette et les origines du Conservatoire; Notes inedites sur la musique de la Chapelle royale; Le Conservatoire National de musique et declamation, and Le Concert Spirituel; and Les Hymns et Chansons de la Revolution.