Perne, François Louis
Learned French writer and teacher; born at Paris. He was first tatfght music when he was a chorister. In 1792 he became one of the tenors in the chorus of the Opera, but in 1799 he played the doublebass in the orchestra of that theatre. After writing some minor instrumental pieces he produced a grand funeral mass in 1800. Having studied deeply into the theory of music, he was rewarded by the position of professor of harmony at the Paris Conservatory in succession to Catel, in 1811. In 1816, when the Conservatory was reopened after the political troubles, he became general inspector, and in 1819 librarian. Perne's works include a few masses in manuscript at the Conservatory library; a triple fugue which can be sung backwards by reversing the page, showing great technical skill; six easy sonatas for the piano; a book of piano t variations; two piano methods; a course in harmony and accompaniment, and writings on ancient Greek music, and the songs of the troubadours. His masses were left to the Institute, of which he was a member, and his sacred manuscripts are now in the Brussels Royal Library.