A noted French singing-teacher. Born and died at Paris. His father was a professor of music, and from him Auguste received his early training. In 1804 he became a pupil of the Conservatory, studying counterpoint with Gossec, violoncello with Leyasseur, and harmony under Bertini, taking prizes in all three subjects. In 1813 his cantata, Hermine, won the Grand Prize of Rome, and going to Italy, he took up counterpoint under Mattel, at Bologna, and singing under good teachers at Naples and Rome. He then studied with Salieri in Vienna, and Winter in Munich. In 1817 he was made chapelmaster to Prince Esterhazy, and settled as a teacher in Paris in 1818. He was soon made accompanist of the Opera Comique, and between 1820 and 1827 he brought out the operas, La grille du pare; Les deux cousines; and Le mariage difficile. In 1826 he was appointed professor of Solfege at the Conservatory, professor of vocalization in 1831, and of singing in 1836. His experience there enabled him to write some excellent educational books, his most important works, which include ABC Musical, progressive exercises, written for his little girl; Solfege d'artiste, fifty exercises with change of clef; thirty-six lessons of advanced difficulty; Solfege for pianists; Solfege for violinists; Methode complete de vocalization, in three parts; and Traite de I'harmonie pratique et de modulation. As a composer he is best known for his romances, numbering about two hundred. He also composed masses; and Mois de Marie, containing motets and hymns. He is given the credit of developing for the romance its individual style.