Opera-singer; born at Dresden. She entered Thiele's vocal class at the Conservatory in that city when fourteen years old, and studied under him for three years. In 1860 she made her debut at the Dresden Court Theatre, and from that time till 1873 she sang light soprano parts. In 1866 she married Max Otto. In 1873 she made her debut in London at a concert given by Clara Schumann in St. James' Hall. She made such a success that her stay lengthened into two years, during which she sang frequently at the important concerts in London and in the provinces. After her return to Germany she sang in opera at Hamburg, going from there to Dresden, where she was engaged at the Court Theatre until 1883. She appeared at Cincinnati Music Festival of 1879. She died in Dresden. Among her roles were Anna in Hans Heiling; Rowena in the Templer und Judin; Alice; Eva; Martha; and the Queen of Night.