German harpist and composer; born at Munich. He studied with Elsie Brauchle and G. V. Roder, and after playing in the theatre in Zurich from 1837 to 1839 he made a tour of Switzerland; was then solo harpist at the Wiesbaden Court Theatre until 1842, when he went to live at Mannheim. From there he went to London, in 1844, which he made his permanent home. For a short time after his arrival he played at the Italian Opera House, but afterwards spent his tim,e in teaching and composing, sometimes appearing in concerts in England and on the Continent. He was highly esteemed as a teacher as well as an executant and composer. Among his works are the operas, Floris von Namur, given at Wiesbaden, and The Spirit of the Hartz Mountains; two overtures, Macbeth, and Rübezhl; a grand mass, St. Philip di Neri; a legend for harp and orchestra, called Lorely; two trios for harp, violin and cello in F and C; a harp quartet; a nocturne for three harps; for the harp a concertino; an Elegie; Pensees musicales; Miranda; The Sylph, etc.; the cantatas, The Pilgrim Queen, the Red Cross Knight, and Lady Jane Grey, beside some pianomusic and part-songs. He died in London.