Maybrick, Michael



Excellent barytone concert-singer and a writer of popular songs; was born at Liverpool, England. His father was musical and gave him great encouragement, so that when he was eight years old he had partially mastered the art of piano-playing. Soon after he began taking organ lessons of W. T. Best, and at the age of fifteen was organist of St. Peter's Parish Church, Liverpool. From 1866 to 1868 he studied at the Leipsic Conservatory under Carl Richter, Plaidy and Mqscheles. While he was in Leipsic it was discovered that he had a fine barytone voice, and at the advice of his instructors he went to Milan, where after about two years' study with Nava he made his debut in a theatre of that city. He returned to England in 1869 and was one of those who sang on the farewell tour of Mme. Sainton-Dolby. He sang in English Opera at St. James Theatre in 1871, but afterward devoted him- self to oratorio work, in which he has been heard at Bristol, Gloucester and Hereford. He has had distinguished success as a concert-singer, and was the first to sing the Telramund music from Lohengrin in England. In 1884 he toured the United States and Canada. Under the nom de plume of Stephen Adams he has written many popular songs, of which probably the best known is Nancy Lee. Others are The Blue Alsatian Mountains; The Star of Bethlehem; The Holy City; The Tar's Farewell; By the Fountain; They All Love Jack; Valley by the Sea; A Warrior Bold; and in 1897 the Jubilee song, Her Majesty.