English organist, composer and teacher; born at Chipping-Lambourn, Berkshire. When sixteen years old he took up the study of music alone, studied with J. Pearson, and later with Sir John Stainer, organist and composer at Magdalen College, Oxford, receiving his degree of Bachelor of Music in 1868, and becoming Fellow of the College of Organists in 1871. He was made organist at Lambourn and while filling that position he organized a choral society which later performed many standard works. He used the village brass band in connection with his church-music and in after years he wrote church-music with a part for brasses. In 1871 he was made organist at Balkeith Palace, and for a time played the organ of St. Peter's Church in Edinburgh; in 1873 he went to London to take charge of the choir in St. Paul's Cathedral, where Sir John Stainer had" become organist, and where in 1876 he became suborganist, succeeding Stainer in 1888. He took charge of the music for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, and for his services on that occasion was knighted. In 1883 he received the degree of Doctor of Music from the Archbishop of Canterbury and was appointed teacher of organ at the Royal College of Music, a position which he has since resigned. Among his church compositions may be mentioned Morning and Evening Communion and Evening Service in C for voices and orchestra; a Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A; Communion Service in A; seven anthems; songs and partsongs.