Markull, Friedrich Wilhelm
Organist, pianist, composer and critic ; was born at Reichenbach, near Elbing, in Prussia. He was the pupil of his father and of Karl Kloss at Urban, and studied the organ and composition with Friedrich Schneider at Dessau. In 1836 he was made first organist of the Marienkirche at Danzig and conductor of the Gesangverein. He was also critic for the Danziger Zeitung. In 1847 he became Royal musical director. He composed three operas, Maja und Alpino, or Die bezauberte Rose; Der Konig von Zion, and Das Walpurgest; the oratorios Johannes der Taufer, and Das Gedachtniss der Entschlafenen; symphonies; piano works; and a Choralbuch.