Musical writer, critic and performer on harpsichord and piano. Was born in London. In 1882 he took his degree of M. A. at Trinity College, Cambridge, and from 1882 to 1884 was a writer on the Pall Mall Gazette, writing for the Guardian from 1884 to 1889. In 1890 he succeeded Heuffer as musical critic on The Times. He was one of the contributors to Grove's Musical Dictionary and edited the appendix. Beside his literarv work he has delivered lectures on Music During the Reign of Queen Victoria, and a series on Purcell. He is known as an excellent piano-player, and appeared at a series of concerts of the Bach Choir. He is also a performer on the harpsichord, which instrument he played at a series of concerts of ancient music. His edition of Purcell's King Arthur was produced at the Birmingham Musical Festival in 1897. His contributions to musical literature consist of his Life of Schumann in the Great Musician Series; Catalogue of Music in the Fiztwilliam Museum; Fitzwilliam Virginal Book; Masters of German Music; a translation of Spitta's Life of John Sebastian Bach, made with Clara Bell; an edition of English Country Songs; Purcell's twelve sonatas for three parts; and ode on St. Cecilia's Day.